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Named Browser Sessions

Since v1.2.0

Driving Multiple Browsers

This feature adds support for driving multiple browser sessions in a feature. Each session is identified by a given name.

For example, the following starts two browser sessions named Gwen and Gwen-web, switches between them, and performs operations in each.

  Given I start a browser for Gwen
And I start a browser for Gwen-web

# Switch to the Gwen browser and navigate to a URL
Given I switch to Gwen
When I navigate to ""
Then the page title should start with "gwen-interpreter/gwen:"

# Switch to the Gwen-web session and navigate to a URL
Given I switch to Gwen-web
When I navigate to ""
Then the page title should start with "gwen-interpreter/gwen-web:"

Any number of sessions can be created in a feature. You can switch between sessions at any time. When the feature exits, then all browser sessions also exit.

If you want to explicitly close a session, you can do it like this:

  # close the Gwen session
Given I close the browser for Gwen

All bound data in the environment context is shared between sessions.