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Template Matching

Since v2.16.0

Template matching allow users to compare any source content with a target template that can either be specified as a text literal or text stored in a file, and perform extract, ignore, and inject operations at the same time.


The following examples assume that the following JSON value is bound to an attribute named my value in the currently available scope:

  • {"id":42,"category":{"name":"pet"},"name":"tiger","status":"available"}

Templates can contain JSON, XML, HTML, or any type of text and can also have multiple lines. The examples below use single-line JSON only.

Match and Ignore

The following example will successfully match my value and:

  • Ignore the id value where !{} appears
  Then my value should match template

Match, Ignore, and Extract

The following example will successfully match my value and:

  • Ignore the id value where !{} appears
  • Extract the tiger value where @{pet name} appears and bind it to the attribute named pet name in the feature scope
  Then my value should match template
{"id":!{},"category":{"name":"pet"},"name":"@{pet name}","status":"available"}

Subsequent steps can access the extracted pet name attribute like any other Gwen binding. For example, the following checks it's value:

  And pet name should be "tiger"

Match, Ignore, Extract, and Inject

The following example will successfully match my value and:

  • Ignore the id value where !{} appears
  • Extract the tiger value where @{pet name} appears and bind it to the attribute named pet name in the feature scope
  • Inject the value bound to the my status attribute into the template where ${my status} appears.
  Given my status is "available"
Then my value should match template
{"id":!{},"category":{"name":"pet"},"name":"@{pet name}","status":"${my status}"}
And pet name should be "tiger"